
Selected web sites

Please note that you can access many walking-related sites through links from other sites.

Pedestrian Activism, Pedestrian Safety, Walking as Transportation


Extremely effective pedestrian advocacy group. WalkBoston promotes walking for transportation and recreation. Their mission is to create and preserve walkable, livable communities through education and advocacy. has links to all sorts of topics about walking. The “msubact” of the address above is for pedestrian activism and walking as transportation. This particular subset has information on crosswalk safety, federal and state studies, statistics on pedestrian safety, advocacy in general and specifically for children. I particularly like the link :”Walk on the Safe Side”: Tips on how to live to be an old bold pedestrian.” PedNet email group, a pedestrian activist mailing group is also a link here.

American Council of the Blind Pedestrian Safety Handbook

This contains the Pedestrian Safety Handbook (revised February, 1999) as well as personal stories about pedestrians injured/ killed by driver lack of safety.

Mass Highway Department

This site gives information about the Massachusetts Pedestrian Transportation Plan, conferences and map resources for walking and hiking.

NCBW (National Center for Bicycling and Walking)

This site has an Internet Resource Center for “bicycle and pedestrian advocates, practitioners, public officials and interested citizens”. Includes conference info (want to go to Amsterdam?), program and policy guides, reports and other documents such as annual Traffic Safety Fact Sheets.

Bike Maryland – Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety

A Maryland biking and advocacy organization, the One Less Car site covers state laws, transportation plans, lists of efforts with current results.

PEDS (Pedestrians Educating Drivers on Safety)

This site is based in Atlanta and so includes a small amount of Atlanta information but mostly general information about pedestrian issues and organizations, walking organizations and information, traffic calming, traffic information, transportation organizations and information, community planning and technologies. Each of these categories has links to related sites.

Walking for Fitness, Health and Sport

This portion of the Walking site covers a range of issues relating to health and fitness: such as, how to’s, injuries, shoes and other equipment, nutrition. There are special areas for beginners and a section on walking logs and calendars as well as Chat Room and Discussion Groups.

Walk’n Mass Home Page

This is the Massachusetts and Rhode Island club for the walking component of Volkssporting. This site explains “Volkswalking”, describes membership, lists the club’s physical and e-mail addresses, and provides a list of all “on your own walks” with a link to the list of planned seasonal group walks.